Date: Saturday, Jan 16th
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm PT
Just $79
Calling all coaches, consultants and solo-preneurs...if you've been struggling with what to put on your About Me section on your website... 

If calling yourself a coach or a consultant feels a little flat...
Or, it feels like you don't even HAVE a story...

This workshop is for you!

If you've been struggling with how to tell your story this class is for you!

Here's One Student Share about her Experience

"I just finished the 'Writing Your Hero Origin Story' class - and now I want to get a cape! I had previously tried to write my story without success through other courses and "freebies" . Deanna's approach to drawing out important details was exactly what I needed to craft my authentic story - and I am thrilled with the results. Working with her prompts and guidance I focused only on the essential parts, specifically what my potential clients need to hear to see their own possibilities. So grateful for this!"
Lee McCraw-Leavitt
 What I know for sure is...everyone has a story.

And when you have your story it becomes your calling card. Your story is an introduction into who you are, what you do and who you want to serve.

You don't need to know your niche, you don't have to have worked with a single client. All you have to do is be willing to show up fully, engage with the questions and answer to the best of your ability right now.

When the class is over you'll have a first draft of your story!

In fact, here's just a sample of what you can expect at this
"GET IT DONE" storytelling workshop:

⭐ You'll have focused & directed time to work on your content...

⭐ You'll meet other like minded people and hear their stories...

⭐ You'll walk away with a better understanding of your gifts...

⭐ You'll save WAYYY more money than hiring a copywriter...

⭐ You'll get real time reactions to your story and hear how it resonates with others...

.. and much, MUCH More!
If you don't know me, I'm Deanna Moffitt and I've been a storyteller my whole life. When I was younger I did it to hide the shame and embarrassment of the home I grew up in.
Later in life, I realized the power of storytelling when I started sharing my true, personal stories for entertainment.

In addition, I've taught 100's of students performative storytelling; I've worked with corporate leaders on how to shape and share their leadership narrative, and I've worked with advertising companies honing their pitch process.

Now I host a monthly storytelling show called The Antidote.

All of this to say...I know a good story.

When you say yes to this opportunity you'll be invited into an interactive session. We'll use a powerful line of questioning to dig into the treasure chest of your life and pull out the gems that make a great hero story.

I hope you'll join me on Jan. 16th, Saturday (9am-12pm PT)

Space is get your spot saved. I can't wait to hear your story!

Register Now!

Deanna Moffitt Coaching

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